Polluting touch :Untouchability reigns

The caste system in India prescribes that all menial and filthy jobs be done by the “lowest caste”. In continuation of this tradition, Carrying away and disposing of the rotting carcases of dead animals is exclusively a ‘Dalit’ job. This undignified labour done without any protection or equipment carries with it the label of ‘social impurity’.

People belonging to the Chamar community describe how their touch is considered polluting by those belonging to the upper caste who employ them to remove cow carcasses. This practice exists despite the fact that the enforcement of any disability arising out of Untouchability is an offence punishable in accordance with law as per the Article 17 of the Indian Constitution.  It was drafted in 1949 specifically to eradicate & abolish the practice of Untouchability. Yet  68 years later, the practice still reigns in far too many parts of the country.

This video is part of a series meant to urge the National Commission for Schedule Castes, which is the government body that is constitutionally appointed to direct and implement the safeguards against untouchability, to prosecute cases of untouchability.


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